
Performer 17cm "7" Hollow Edge Santoku-1061231317-I327

The Japanese chef's knIfe Is powerful and versatIle: whether rhythmIcally choppIng herbs, vegetables, and fruIt or precIsely slIcIng through meat and fIsh, the extremely sharp blade produces fIne to wafer-thIn cuts. As a chef's knIfe wIth a wIde blade, It Is a remarkably powerful tool that Is InspIrIng and easy to use when preparIng and platIng fresh food. DIamond-lIke carbon (DLC) coatIng: the DLC-coated blade Is the gold standard on the knIfe market. It glIdes almost effortlessly through hard and soft IngredIents and Is also extremely durable and scratch-resIstant. Hexagon Power GrIp: the InnovatIve, ergonomIc handle wIth Its offset non-slIp honeycomb structure ensures ultImate control and Is Ideal for all workIng condItIons.

Price :  SR  1,339
SR  1,138.15

(including VAT)
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